Returns a plot
PlotNoiseTHcompare( df, variable, listvar = NULL, mp, runleq = TRUE, y_lim = c(20, 80) )
is a dataframe
is Leq or another variable to plot first
are names of frequency component you want compare
is a misure point
is logical value that plot running leq line
y axe range
ggplot object
Pasquale Scordino p.scordino@arpa.piemonte.it
Simone Sperotto s.sperotto@arpa.piemonte.it
#data(P1FA) PlotNoiseTHcompare(df = P1FA , variable = "LAeq", listvar = c("LZFmin.100", "LZFmin.250"), mp = "P1FA", runleq = TRUE, y_lim = c(30, 70))